Marko Scekic

// Full-Stack Developer from Montenegro //

Hi, I'm Marko Scekic 👋

About me


I'm Marko Scekic, a Full-stack developer from Montenegro. I'm a young and highly motivated Full-stack developer. I wrote my first programs when I was 12 with C++, and started programing in Linux when I was 13. My interest for programming spiked when I started hacking games, than that translated to me starting learning about Linux, using social enginnering tools, phishing, MITM attacks and much more. I've attended to hackhatons, and done some projects which you can see in my resume. When I was still in high school I started learning programming and got my first job in my senior year.


Wiv Technology
12/2021 - Present

// Wiv Marketplace //

  • Worked on a highly important component of the company mission in creating the Wiv Marketplace platform, a web application used for buying, selling and exchanging digitalized wine NFTs.
  • Self-initiatively worked on weekends and double-digit hours to ensure the success of the project and it's in-time delivery as it was extremely important for the overall roadmap of the company.
  • Significantly accelerated development relative to expectations
  • Learned a lot about the microservice infrastructure and the back-end while working on the project

// Digital Wine Cellar //

  • Tightly interacted with smart contracts which were specifically created for our NFTs in order to create a platform featuring a detailed overview and in-depth information about their NFTs
  • Delivered every sprint before the deadline, finished every task assigned to me and in the same time continued with learning more about the technologies used, in addition to also working on more personal projects based on Web 3.0 and React.js in order to advance my knowledge.
  • Technologies used: Typescript, Web 3.0, Interacting with smart-contracts, Vue.js, Quasar Framework, ApexCharts, Metamask

// Uniswap Staking Token Platform //

  • When I had just joined the firm I wasn't familiar with many technologies that we were working with (such as Vue, Quasar, Web 3.0, etc), but I learned them and was able to effectively use them in an incredibly short time of only a few days.
  • Despite being an intern, not knowing the technologies well, and needing to use Uniswap Smart Contracts for which had a severe lack of content and documentation surrounding it at the time, we delivered a fully functional website and tested it in under a month, despite our deadline being one and half months.
  • Managed to successfully implement responsiveness on devices of all sizes despite having only once worked on responsive websites before.
  • Technologies used: Typescript, Vue.js, Quasar Framework, Web 3.0, Interacting with companies's Smart Contracts, CSS, Responsiveness, Metamask

// Token Platform //

  • Was tasked with completing the token platform which was extremely critical for our company at the time as the its financial security depended on it being completed in time, which I managed to execute flawlessly despite it requiring a set of technologies I never used before.
  • Implemented industry leading security standards of encryption and decryption as part of the platform.
  • Successfully accomplished all of this despite the project requiring to be built in C# and .NET, despite never having using those technologies previously.
  • Technologies used: C#, .NET, Vue.js, Encryption, Decryption

06/2021 - 11/2021

// Camea //

  • Responsible for end-to-end full stack development of a large-scale web platform which is modernizing the caregiver industry, alongside a vibrant and diverse team
  • Successfully managing to solve all development issues and challenges, without any senior supervision
  • Wrote clean and easily-readable code according to principles and best practices -Independently learned many different technologies according to what was required to solve a wide spectrum of problems and challenges
  • Technology used: Node.js, React, MongoDB, Express, Next.js, Bootstrap, Unit Testing, Typescript



// POSTR //

  • Closely collaborated with a team of developers on a full stack, blockchain-based social media web app, which allowed users to earn Ether from likes on their posts
  • Integrated complex custom smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain with our web platform and back-end server
  • Technologies used: Ethereum, Smart Contracts, React.js, Web 3.0, Express


// Carbon Tracker //

  • Created a full stack web application which allowed users to easily log, track and calculate their carbon emissions and provided them with a clear overview of their carbon footprint
  • Despite only having a few months of experience at the time, managed to follow through with my tasks and managed to create the entire back-end side of the website
  • Technologies used: React.js, Express, MongoDB, Node.js

Personal Projects

Personal Project

// ScekaMovies //

  • Developed a fully functional and near-identical netflix clone using React.js

Personal Project

// Javascript Blockchain //

  • Created a miniature version of a blockchain using vanilla JavaScript. While the program lacks some features of a traditional blockchain, it manages to re-create the most important concepts such as transactions, block chaining, hashing and mining with variable difficulty.


Quasar Framework
I can do

Front end

I translate designs into highly optimised websites with pixel perfect accuracy.

Back end

I have extensive experience developing secure, optimised and scalable back-end servers.


About anything really, feel free. I love company and a good chat 😉
Thank you!

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